Sunday, 10 June 2012

For Karen

Goodness! Once again it has been a little while since I posted anything... How quickly I get out of the habit. Just as a short postscript to the previous blogs about our new classroom, I can say quite honestly that here is now my favourite place to work.  Of course everything is new, and everything works, and it is also bright and comfortable.  At times, given that it is so different from how it used to be, I have to remind myself where I am!

There is a slightly strange reason for this post: Tadashi's Auntie Karen sent him some clothes for his birthday back in March, which were sadly a bit small. I returned them to Karen for her to change them (thank you), and took this photo of Tadashi modelling them when the bigger ones arrived.

I originally emailed the photograph to Karen, but the technology got the better of me (as usual) and she was unable to open the file to see it.  So.... this one's for you, Auntie Karen!  Thank you very much!